bar - Building is my Passion
Niklas Heidloff

Authorization in Microservices with MicroProfile

I’ve been working on an example that demonstrates how to get started with cloud-native applications as a Java developer. The example is supposed to be a full end-to-end sample application which inc...

Pictures from JAX 2019

This week I attended JAX in Mainz, Germany, which is a conference with 2000 enterprise developers. Below are some pictures. In the opening session the people responsible for the content described ...

How to develop your first cloud-native Applications with Java

Over the next weeks I’ll give several talks how to get started with cloud-native applications implemented in Java. The talk is based on cloud-native-starter, which is an end-to-end application that...

Example Java App running in the Cloud via Kubernetes

Over the last weeks I’ve worked on a new sample application which demonstrates how to build microservices-based architectures. While there are still some minor things I’d like to add, I think the s...

Authorization in Cloud-Native Apps in Istio via OpenID

My colleague Harald Ueble and I are working on a repo to help especially Java developers getting started with cloud-native applications. By doing this we have learned a lot ourselves. The topic, t...

Implementing Health Checks with MicroProfile and Istio

When running cloud-native applications in the orchestration framework Kubernetes and the service mesh Istio, microservices need to report whether they are ready and live. Kubernetes needs to know t...

Configuring Microservices with MicroProfile and Kubernetes

As defined in the Twelve-Factor-App it’s important for cloud-native applications to store configuration externally, rather than in the code since this makes it possible to deploy applications to di...

Authenticating Web Users with OpenID and JWT

As some of my readers will know, I’m working on a cloud-native-starter repo that demonstrates how to start building cloud-native applications with Java EE and Istio. One of the required core featur...

Prometheus Metrics for MicroProfile Microservices in Istio

For cloud-native applications Kubernetes and Istio deliver a lot of important functionality out of the box, for example certain metrics which are independent from the actual service implementations...

Sample Application demonstrating Istio Traffic Management

Istio is an open source service mesh to connect and control microservices in cloud native applications running on Kubernetes. One of the key features is traffic management for A/B testing, canary r...

The postings on this site are my own and don’t necessarily represent IBM’s positions, strategies or opinions.
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