bar - Building is my Passion
Niklas Heidloff

Deploying LLMs via Hugging Face on IBM Cloud

With the Text Generation Inference toolkit from Hugging Face Large Language Models can be hosted efficiently. This post describes how to run open-source models or fine-tuned models on IBM Cloud. T...

Fine-tuning LLMs via Hugging Face on IBM Cloud

The speed of innovation in the AI community is amazing. What didn’t seem to be possible a year ago, is standard today. Fine-tuning is a great example. With the latest progress, you can fine-tune sm...

Foundation Models, Transformers, BERT and GPT

Since I’m excited by the incredible capabilities which technologies like ChatGPT and Bard provide, I’m trying to understand better how they work. This post summarizes my current understanding about...

25 Years at IBM

Today is my 25th anniverary at IBM. Times flies when you’re having fun. I have the pleasure to work with so many nice and smart people. Thank you to my colleagues, to my managers, to my mentors, c...

Fine-tuning LLMs with Apple MLX locally

MLX is a framework for machine learning with Apple silicon from Apple Research. This post describes how to fine-tune a 7b LLM locally in less than 10 minutes on a MacBook Pro M3. MLX is designe...

How to stay up to Date with AI News

Recently several people have asked me how I follow AI news. Below are some great resources. YouTube I like watching videos during my lunch break workouts. I can highly recommend the following cha...

Fine-tuning LLMs locally with Apple Silicon

With recent MacBook Pro machines and frameworks like MLX and llama.cpp fine-tuning of Large Language Models can be done with local GPUs. This post describes how to use InstructLab which provides an...

Running fine-tuned LLM Models on is IBM’s AI platform built for business. It is provided as SaaS and as software which can be deployed on multiple clouds and on-premises. This post describes how to deploy custom fine-tu...

Understanding the API is IBM’s enterprise studio for AI builders to train, validate, tune and deploy Large Language Models. It comes with multiple open source and IBM LLMs which can be accessed via REST API. ...

Running Mistral on CPU via llama.cpp

Via quantization LLMs can run faster and on smaller hardware. This post describes how to run Mistral 7b on an older MacBook Pro without GPU. Llama.cpp is an inference stack implemented in C/C++ to...

The postings on this site are my own and don’t necessarily represent IBM’s positions, strategies or opinions.
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