One reason why OpenShift is popular is that it comes with several functionality out-of-the-box on top of Kubernetes, for example image repositories and pipelines. However one component that is miss...
Setting up a cloud-native Sample App on Minishift in an Hour
My colleague Harald Uebele and I have developed an end-to-end sample application to help developers to get started with developing microservices and deploying them to Kubernetes. We have documented...
How to develop Open Liberty Microservices on OpenShift
Open Liberty is a flexible Java application server. It comes with Eclipse MicroProfile which is a set of tools and APIs to build microservices. With these technologies I have created a simple hello...
Deploying Open Liberty Microservices to OpenShift
OKD, the open source upstream Kubernetes distribution embedded in OpenShift, provides several ways to make deployments of applications to Kubernetes for developers easy. Source to Image Previousl...
Source to Image Builder for Open Liberty Apps on OpenShift
OKD, the open source upstream Kubernetes distribution embedded in OpenShift, provides several ways to make deployments of applications to Kubernetes for developers easy. I’ve open sourced a project...
Free and self paced workshop: How to develop microservices with Java
Over the last weeks I’ve worked on an example application that demonstrates how to develop your first cloud-native applications with Java/Jakarta EE, Eclipse MicroProfile, Kubernetes and Istio. Bas...
Recording of Talk How to develop your first cloud-native Applications with Java
At WeAreDevelopers Harald Uebele and I gave a 30 minutes talk ‘How to develop your first cloud-native Applications with Java’. Below is the recording and the slides. In the talk we described the k...
How to build and run a Hello World Java Microservice
The repo cloud-native-starter contains an end-to-end sample application that demonstrates how to develop your first cloud-native applications. Two of the microservices have been developed with Java...
Pictures from WeAreDevelopers
Last week I attended WeAreDevelopers, a large developer congress with 10.000 attendees. Below are some pictures. Here is part of the IBM team: Youri Boehler, Emily Jiang, Harald Uebele, Thomas Süd...
Persistence for Java Microservices in Kubernetes via JPA
Over the last weeks I’ve worked on an example application that demonstrates how Java EE developers can get started with microservices. The application is a full end-to-end sample which includes a w...