bar - Building is my Passion
Niklas Heidloff

Replay of Blue Cloud Mirror Webinar

Yesterday Harald Uebele, Thomas Südbröcker and I presented Blue Cloud Mirror in an IBM Developer webinar. Below are the slides and the recording. Blue Cloud Mirror is a game where players need to ...

Pictures from JavaLand 2019

This week I’ve attended JavaLand, a developer conference in Germany with 2000 attendees. It has been the fourth time I’ve been there and, as always, it has been a great pleasure. We had a booth whe...

Memory Usage of OpenWhisk Functions

Last week Red Hat introduced the open source framework Quarkus which promises fast boot times and low memory usages. This makes Quarkus interesting for Java workloads running as serverless function...

Invoking REST APIs from Java Microservices

Previously I blogged about how to implement and document REST APIs in JavaEE applications with Eclipse MicroProfile. In this article I describe the inverse scenario how services can invoke other se...

Serverless Java Functions with Quarkus and OpenWhisk

Quarkus is a “next-generation Kubernetes native Java framework” which is available as open source. Quarkus promises fast boot times and low memory usages. This makes Quarkus a perfect fit for Java ...

Implementing and documenting REST APIs with JavaEE

The standard way to implement REST APIs in JavaEE applications is JAX-RS. The de-facto standard for API documentation is OpenAPI (formally Swagger). Eclipse MicroProfile supports developers to use ...

Using Quarkus to run Java Apps on Kubernetes

Last week Red Hat introduced Quarkus which is a “next-generation Kubernetes native Java framework” that is available as open source. Quarkus promises really fast boot times and low memory usages. T...

Developing resilient Microservices with Istio and MicroProfile

As stated in the reactive manifesto cloud-native reactive applications need to be resilient: The system stays responsive in the face of failure. This applies not only to highly-available, missi...

Dockerizing Java MicroProfile Applications

For cloud-native applications Kubernetes and Istio deliver a lot of important functionality out of the box, for example to ensure resiliency and scalability. This functionality works generically fo...

Debugging Microservices running in Kubernetes

In order to learn more about microservices, container orchestration and service meshes, I’ve set up a local development environment with Minikube, Istio and tools like Kiali and created a sample ap...

The postings on this site are my own and don’t necessarily represent IBM’s positions, strategies or opinions.
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