In preparation for a Java conference, I’ve spent some time to catch up on the latest activities in the Java community. With Java EE’s move to Eclipse and projects like MicroProfile there are a lot ...
Three Minutes Demo of Blue Cloud Mirror
Blue Cloud Mirror is a game where players need to show specific emotions and do specific poses. The game is a showcase of various IBM Cloud technologies. I’ve created a short video to show how to ...
Blue Cloud Mirror Architecture Diagrams
Blue Cloud Mirror is a game where players need to show specific emotions and do specific poses. In this article I describe briefly the used technologies. You can play the game online. All you need...
Three awesome TensorFlow.js Models for Visual Recognition
Last week I open sourced a web application called Blue Cloud Mirror which is a game where players need to show five specific emotions and do five specific poses in two levels. The faster, the bette...
Serverless Vue.js Applications on the IBM Cloud
Recently I open sourced sample code that shows how to develop entire serverless web applications on the IBM Cloud with Apache OpenWhisk. In the original sample I used an Angular application. In thi...
Awesome Developer Experience with Vue.js
Last month I started to work on a new demo (Blue Cloud Mirror) which highlights some of the IBM Cloud capabilities. Part of the demo is a web application. Since I had heard so many good things abou...
Introducing Blue Cloud Mirror, a Fun IBM Cloud Showcase
Blue Cloud Mirror is a game where players need to show five specific emotions and do five specific poses in two levels. The faster, the better. Play the game. It only takes a minute. All you need ...
User Authorization in Serverless Web Applications
In this article I describe how to authorize users in serverless web applications on the IBM Cloud. I’ve open sourced a sample Angular application which authenticates users via OAuth and IBM App ID...
Authentication of Users in Serverless Applications
Recently I open sourced a complete serverless web application which can be deployed on the IBM Cloud in less than 10 minutes. In this article I describe how users are authenticated via IBM App ID. ...
Hosting Resources for Web Applications on the IBM Cloud
Recently I open sourced a complete serverless web application which can be deployed on the IBM Cloud. This short article describes how static web resources like HTML and JavaScript files can be hos...