bar - Building is my Passion
Niklas Heidloff

Debugging Microservices running in Kubernetes

In order to learn more about microservices, container orchestration and service meshes, I’ve set up a local development environment with Minikube, Istio and tools like Kiali and created a sample ap...

Setup of a Local Kubernetes and Istio Dev Environment

As developer I like to do as much development as possible locally, because it’s generally easier and faster to develop and debug code. In order to build cloud-native applications and microservices,...

Developing and debugging Microservices with Java

Kubernetes has become the de facto standard for deploying and managing containerized applications in public, private and hybrid cloud environments. While Kubernetes is really powerful, it’s not the...

IBM announced Managed Istio and Managed Knative

At Think 2019 IBM announced two new add-ons to the IBM Cloud Kubernetes Service: Managed Istio and Managed Knative. My Point of View I like this functionality a lot. Istio is a key component when...

Recent Java Updates from IBM

In preparation for a Java conference, I’ve spent some time to catch up on the latest activities in the Java community. With Java EE’s move to Eclipse and projects like MicroProfile there are a lot ...

Three Minutes Demo of Blue Cloud Mirror

Blue Cloud Mirror is a game where players need to show specific emotions and do specific poses. The game is a showcase of various IBM Cloud technologies. I’ve created a short video to show how to ...

Blue Cloud Mirror Architecture Diagrams

Blue Cloud Mirror is a game where players need to show specific emotions and do specific poses. In this article I describe briefly the used technologies. You can play the game online. All you need...

Three awesome TensorFlow.js Models for Visual Recognition

Last week I open sourced a web application called Blue Cloud Mirror which is a game where players need to show five specific emotions and do five specific poses in two levels. The faster, the bette...

Serverless Vue.js Applications on the IBM Cloud

Recently I open sourced sample code that shows how to develop entire serverless web applications on the IBM Cloud with Apache OpenWhisk. In the original sample I used an Angular application. In thi...

Awesome Developer Experience with Vue.js

Last month I started to work on a new demo (Blue Cloud Mirror) which highlights some of the IBM Cloud capabilities. Part of the demo is a web application. Since I had heard so many good things abou...

The postings on this site are my own and don’t necessarily represent IBM’s positions, strategies or opinions.
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