bar - Building is my Passion
Niklas Heidloff

XPages Access to IBM's Social Business Toolkit via OAuth

At Lotusphere 2011 there was a lot of talk about the IBM Social Business Framework. Since Lotusphere a live version of the IBM Social Business Toolkit is up and running on Greenhouse. Ryan Baxter g...

What I've done recently and what's next

Yesterday I released a new version of XPages Mobile Controls on OpenNTF. I had received some feedback that it wasn’t obvious for people where to start. Since there were three NSFs including Dojo in...

Welcome to my new Blog on the IBM Cloud

Yancy Lent just added my blog to Planetlotus (thx) and I saw that even my test entries from some days ago show up. So I guess it’s time for me to introduce this blog. I’ve created this blog to wri...

Use XPages in the Embedded Experience of IBM's Social Business Toolkit

In my last blog entry I wrote how entries from the activity stream of the IBM Social Business Toolkit can be displayed in XPages. Today I show how to use an XPage to display an activity stream entr...

Quick Tip: Hidden XPages Configuration Options

Last week I gave a workshop to experienced Domino web developers where we dived pretty deep and discussed many detailed XPages functionality. During that workshop I had to show them a couple of tim...

PhoneGap and XPages to build native/hybrid Mobile Apps

PhoneGap is an open source mobile framework to build mobile apps for most mobile platforms. As the name says it tries to fill the gap in current HTML specs and browser implementations by providing ...

Nice Demos of new Mobile Apps Functionality in Dojo 1.6 and 1.7

Check out these Dojo Mobile demos (from desktop use Safari). There is also a relative new landing page. The demos show new functionality for mobile apps in Dojo 1.6 and Dojo 1.7. Really cool. Dojo...

Mobile Apps Development - Native or Web?

There is a big debate going on whether to develop mobile apps as native apps or as web apps. I’ve found a couple of nice articles recently that I want to share. This discussion doesn’t only occur ...

How to create your own Domino XPages Server in the IBM SmartCloud

Yesterday Ed Brill blogged about the IBM SmartCloud and the availability of the Domino Utility Server for LotusLive: “IBM also is enabling customers to deploy their Lotus Domino applications to th...

How to build Mobile Apps rapidly using XPages

This video shows how you can create mobile apps for IBM Lotus Domino applications within minutes using XPages and

The postings on this site are my own and don’t necessarily represent IBM’s positions, strategies or opinions.
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