Update 02/16/12: The location of some plugins has changed. There is now one update site including all plugins on OpenNTF. In May the Domino Designer team published a first version of the source co...
New XPages Course: Modernizing Domino Applications
Lotus Education offers a new XPages course: Modernizing IBM Lotus Domino 8.5.2 Applications. << This course is designed for application developers experienced with Domino Designer and XP...
Develop Applications using XPages, Connections and Sametime without Installations
During the summer IBM made a new image available in the IBM SmartCloud. This image comes with Lotus Domino, Connections and Sametime pre-installed making it easy for developers to start building ap...
Developing with Java in XPages and Domino
Since I get asked this regularly here is a quick overview of the different ways to use Java in XPages and in the classic Domino app dev model. There are different types of XPages developers. Steph...
Quick Tip: One new Dojo Tutorial each Day until September 16th
Check out the Sitepen blog over the next month. They want to publish a new Dojo tutorial every day until DojoConf 2011 on September 16th. Today they published a tutorial about data modeling for MV...
My Thoughts on the OpenNTF XPages Development Contest
When I started to work on OpenNTF at the end of 2008 one of my goals was to host a development contest. It has certainly taken longer than I had hoped for, but we finally hosted the first developme...
Access Files from Dropbox and LotusLive in XPages
Justin Murray and Daneel Reif are two students who are currently working on a summer internship project that we call social enabler. The main implementation goal is to create functionality to acces...
Why should you use XPages and for which Applications?
I get often asked why companies should use XPages vs classic Notes/Domino app dev and whether and why they should modernize existing applications using XPages. Here are a couple of points that I br...
Best Practices: How to write Custom Controls for XPages
I hope you’ve all heard about the XPages Development Contest by now. Since I’ve reviewed the submitted controls and since I’ve done a couple of controls myself lately I wanted to share some best pr...
Use Domino and XPages for your Social Business
At Lotusphere 2011 the big theme was social business. Lotus Domino and XPages are a key part of this agenda. Ed Brill published on his blog a link to a recent report from Gartner. I recommend read...