Last week I attended code.talks in Hamburg, Germany, which is a development conference with roughly 1500 attendees. As always it was a pleasure to listen to great speakers and to talk with develope...
Deploying Apps to Kubernetes on the IBM Cloud with Helm
Helm is the package manager for Kubernetes. With Helm you can very easily deploy applications, tools and databases like MongoDB, PostgreSQL, WordPress and Apache Spark into your own Kubernetes clus...
Deploying MicroProfile based Java Applications to Bluemix
Eclipse MicroProfile is an open source project to optimize Enterprise Java for microservices architectures. MicroProfile based applications can be deployed to Kubernetes. This article describes how...
Deploying MicroProfile based Apps to IBM Cloud private
Eclipse MicroProfile is an open source project to optimize Enterprise Java for microservices architectures. MicroProfile based applications can be deployed to Kubernetes. This article describes how...
Watson Machine Learning Sample for Developers
Last month IBM announced the general availability of Watson Machine Learning which can be used by data scientists to create models and it can be used by developers to run predictions from their app...
Some Pictures from Hack.IAA
Last week I attended Hack.IAA, a hackathon with a focus on Artifical Intelligence and Car-2-X Communication organized by DigitalLife@Daimler. 60 students had 24 hours to come up with new business m...
My Favorite Tech Talks for Developers
During my workouts I enjoy watching tech talks to learn about new technologies and trends. I’ve created a YouTube playlist with some of my favorite tech talks. The videos in the playlist are aweso...
Running Cloud-Native Applications On-Premises
Cloud-native applications have a lot of advantages compared to monolithic architectures such as scalability and elasticity. Cloud-native platforms typically also provide services that developers ca...
Node-RED Samples for IBM Watson IoT Hackathon
Recently I gave an one hour webinar to help developers to prepare for a hackathon related to IBM Watson IoT. I demonstrated Node-RED and coded live some sample flows. Get the sample flows from Git...
Securing Kubernetes Applications with Vulnerability Advisor
The Bluemix Vulnerability Advisor checks the security status of container images before deployments as well as the status of running containers. For example it can detect weak passwords, whether SS...