With the Watson Language Translation service in Bluemix you can translate from and to English, French, Portuguese, Arabic, Spanish and Egyptian. To optimize the translations you can customize the s...
Simple Sample of the Watson Document Conversion Service
With the Watson Document Conversion service on Bluemix PDF, Word and HTML documents can be converted into HTML, plain text or JSON. The converted documents can be used as input to other Watson serv...
Watson Concept Insights Sample for Eclipse FAQ
My colleague Hiroaki Komine and I’ve open sourced a sample that shows how to use the Watson Concept Insights service and the Watson Document Conversion service on Bluemix to improve search results ...
Sample of the Watson Tone Analyzer for WordPress
With the Watson Tone Analyzer service on IBM Bluemix you can discover, understand, and revise the language tones in text before you publish, send or share it. Below is a little sample how to invoke...
Steering Anki Overdrive Cars via Leap Motion Gestures and Bluemix
Here is another example how to steer Anki Overdrive cars via IBM Bluemix. In addition to a local controller, Watson speech recognition and a Kinect I’ve added gesture recognition via Leap Motion. ...
Steering Anki Overdrive Cars via Kinect and Bluemix
I’ve open sourced a sample showing how to steer Anki Overdrive cars via Kinect and IBM Bluemix. The sample requires the Node.js controller and MQTT interface that I had open sourced previously. The...
Steering Anki Overdrive Cars via Speech Recognition on Bluemix
I’ve extended the Anki Overdrive demo so that you can steer the cars via voice. I’ve used a combination of the Watson Speech to Text service and the Watson Natural Language Classifier service on Bl...
Sample of the Watson Retrieve and Rank Service
I spent some time to understand the Watson Retrieve and Rank service. Below are some findings that might help people to learn about the power of this cognitive service that is available in IBM Blue...
Customization of Node-RED on Bluemix
Bluemix provides starters to deploy Node-RED on Bluemix so that, for example, you can easily start creating flows for Internet of Things scenarios. In some cases however you might want to change th...
Collision Prevention for Anki Overdrive Cars with Bluemix
I’ve built a demo that shows how Anki Overdrive cars can be controlled from IBM Bluemix. Commands can be sent from the cloud to the cars, for example in order to set the speed, and the messages fro...