bar - Building is my Passion
Niklas Heidloff

Pictures from Bluemix at JavaLand

This week David Barnes, James Thomas and I attended JavaLand and presented IBM Bluemix. As last year it was a very good conference with high quality sessions and we had a lot of great discussions w...

Integrating Watson Dialog into Minecraft on Bluemix

Update November 2016: The dialog service has been deprecated and replaced with the Conversation service. In an earlier article I wrote about how to use the Watson Personality Insights service in M...

How to deploy and run Swift Kitura Applications with Docker

At InterConnect IBM announced and demonstrated various ways to run Swift code on the server. You can use the Swift runtime in Bluemix (Cloud Foundry buildpack), you can use the Swift Sandbox, you c...

Introducing the CLEAN Stack: JavaScript everywhere

The popularity and success of JavaScript is amazing. There are 1 million tagged questions on StackOverflow, according to RedMonk there are more JavaScript projects on GitHub than projects in any ot...

How to consume Bluemix Services in LoopBack Applications

With the LoopBack framework you can easily build REST APIs for your own business objects, you can build web and mobile clients and much more. The LoopBack backend applications and the AngularJS web...

How to write Mobile Apps for LoopBack Applications

With the Node.js API framework LoopBack you can easily provide REST APIs for your applications. In order to build client applications LoopBack provides an AngularJS JavaScript SDK. The same SDK can...

How to write AngularJS Frontends for LoopBack Applications

With the Node.js API framework LoopBack you can easily provide REST APIs for your applications. In order to build web frontends LoopBack provides an AngularJS JavaScript SDK. Below is a sample appl...

Authorization in LoopBack Applications on Bluemix

The Node.js framework LoopBack supports authorization for models (business objects) via roles on both application level and object level. This is, for example, important in business applications wh...

Customization of REST APIs in LoopBack Applications

LoopBack creates automatically REST APIs for custom models (business objects) that are persisted. While this is helpful to get started quickly, for example in proofs of concepts or first iterations...

Authentication in LoopBack Applications against Bluemix

The Node.js API framework LoopBack supports third-party logins to authenticate users and to link accounts. This article describes how to authenticate from LoopBack applications against the Single S...

The postings on this site are my own and don’t necessarily represent IBM’s positions, strategies or opinions.
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