IBM Bluemix provides a service Predictive Analytics which developers and data scientists can use to build applications that help users to make predictions about the future for different scenarios. ...
How to build Facebook Chatbots with IBM Watson
Update November 2016: The dialog service has been deprecated and replaced with the Conversation service. I’ve open sourced a simple sample of a chatbot for Facebook that leverages IBM Watson Dialo...
Check out the High Quality Bluemix Webinars
In order to learn new technologies I often watch webinars and videos. For Bluemix there pretty good technical webinars with great speakers, mostly from the development teams. Unfortunately they are...
How to invoke OpenWhisk Actions for certain IoT Device Events
Serverless Computing is often useful in event-driven Internet of Things (IoT) scenarios. For example when IoT sensors exceed a certain temperature actions are invoked to fix the issue. OpenWhisk i...
How to use Spring Boot for Serverless Computing
Serverless Computing is a relative new technology which allows developers to build event driven code which scales and for which you only pay the time it’s running. OpenWhisk is IBM’s serverless com...
Useful MQTT Tools for the IBM Watson IoT Platform
For the development of Internet of Things applications it’s often useful to simulate devices. Below are two options which are easy to use. The instructions describe how to connect to the IBM Watso...
Creating Docker Actions with OpenWhisk
OpenWhisk is an event-driven compute platform that executes code in response to events or direct invocations. The advantage is that you only have to pay for actual usage, not for peaked projections...
How to use API Connect to manage LoopBack APIs
LoopBack is a great Node.js framework for building APIs. In the easiest case business objects can be defined declaratively and LoopBack generates REST APIs, the documentation of the APIs, the persi...
Developing OpenWhisk Actions via the new Web Editor
In addition to Cloud Foundry, Docker and Virtual Maschines Bluemix provides a fourth compute option OpenWhisk. OpenWhisk is an event-driven compute platform that executes code in response to events...
Pictures from Bluemix at JAX 2016
This week my colleagues David Barnes, Ryan Baxter, James Thomas, Thomas Bück, Timo Roeseler and I attended JAX in Mainz/Germany which was attended by 2000 people, mostly Java developers. There was ...