bar - Building is my Passion
Niklas Heidloff

Analyzing Data with IBM Watson Internet of Things

Once you’ve connected your ‘things’ with the Watson Internet of Things platform, the next question is how to process the received data. In some scenarios the raw data triggers actions immediately, ...

Recognizing Text in Images with Watson's Visual Recognition API

The Watson Visual Recognition service is now generally available and a lot of new functionality has been added. The service combines the old beta capabilities plus the Alchemy functionality and the...

Pictures from Bluemix at DNUG

This week I attended DNUG in Hamburg/Germany. DNUG is the German user group for IBM Collaboration Solutions. In the app dev track several sessions covered Bluemix. It was the 43th conference of DN...

Machine Learning Courses for Developers

As readers of my blog will know, I want to learn more about machine learning. I’ve managed to run some samples and I’ve built my own first little samples. It feels like the next step is to understa...

Spark Machine Learning Samples for IBM Bluemix

Below is a quick overview of samples that demonstrate how to use the machine learning capabilities in Spark on IBM Bluemix. Flight Delay Predictions David Taieb posted the slides of his hands-on ...

Integrating Tools in Bluemix DevOps via Open Toolchain

At InterConnect IBM previewed a new set of DevOps functionality which is now available as experimental on Bluemix. Via Toolchains IBM tools and third party tools can be used seamlessly together for...

Running the Spark Recommendations Sample on Bluemix

Apache Spark comes with a set of machine learning samples. One of those sample is a movie recommendation system which makes personalized recommendations based on a technique called Collaborative Fi...

Discovering Open Data via Analytics Exchange on Bluemix

As I’m trying to learn more about machine learning I spent some time to look for data that I can use. While GitHub is the place to get open source code, there doesn’t seem to be a counterpart for o...

Getting started with Spark Machine Learning on Bluemix

I’m fascinated by the power of machine learning and I’m trying to learn more about this technology. I’ve started to look into how to use the machine learning library in Spark. The Spark documentat...

Getting started with Predictive Analytics on Bluemix

IBM Bluemix provides a service Predictive Analytics which developers and data scientists can use to build applications that help users to make predictions about the future for different scenarios. ...

The postings on this site are my own and don’t necessarily represent IBM’s positions, strategies or opinions.
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