Over the last year I’ve worked on a very interesting internal project. I’ve learned a lot about conversational experiences and it was a lot of fun. Most importantly I enjoyed working with great peo...
My Advice: Don't use Angular 2+ without Redux
Recently I have used Angular 2+ in one of my projects. There are many things I like about Angular like dependency injections, TypeScript, etc. One thing that gave me a hard time was to understand A...
Invoking OpenWhisk Actions from Angular 2 Apps
In my last blog entry I documented how to deploy Angular 2+ apps to Bluemix via the HTTP server nginx. All that server does it to host the static files. Below I describe how to use OpenWhisk action...
Deploying Angular 2 Apps to Bluemix
Over the last months I’ve done quite a lot of Angular 2 development (now Angular 4). Below is a description how to create a new Angular app and deploy it as Docker container to Bluemix in just a fe...
Running the Sample App BlueChatter on Kubernetes
Since last month Bluemix supports Kubernetes (beta) which many people consider the de-facto standard for orchestrations of containers. Some of the older and simpler Bluemix sample applications use ...
Orchestrating Docker Containers with Kubernetes
Last month IBM announced the beta of Kubernetes support in the IBM Bluemix Container Service. Below is a short introduction to Kubernetes and a short description how to get started using Kubernetes...
Using IBM Watson Discovery to query Unstructured Data
In my previous blog entry I described how to use Watson Knowledge Studio to create models to identify information in unstructured data. These models can be used by the Watson services and offerings...
Understanding Natural Language Text via IBM Watson
One of the newer IBM Watson offerings that I really like is Watson Knowledge Studio. It basically allows identifying information in unstructured data. Below is a quick overview of the Knowledge Stu...
Getting started with Tensorflow on IBM Bluemix
In order to learn Deep Learning I’ve taken an Udacity course that I can highly recommend. One reason I took that course was because I also liked the Udacity machine learning courses. Another reason...
Quick Update
Some people have asked why I haven’t blogged since June. Here is why … Almost two years ago I started to work for IBM Emerging Technologies. I wanted to work in this group for multiple reasons. On...