bar - Building is my Passion
Niklas Heidloff

Reducing Deployment Risks via Policies for Jenkins Pipelines

Earlier this year IBM introduced a new service DevOps Insights (beta) which helps among other things to reduce deployment risks. Policies can be defined to ensure that unit tests, functional tests ...

Leveraging Jenkins in DevOps Toolchains on Bluemix

As part of the IBM Bluemix Continues Delivery functionality toolchains allow the integration of third party and open source tools. One example is the usage of the automation server Jenkins to build...

Reducing Deployment Risks via Policies in DevOps Pipelines

Earlier this year IBM introduced a new service DevOps Insights (beta) which helps among other things to reduce deployment risks. Policies can be defined to ensure that unit tests, functional tests ...

Integrated API Management for Cloud Foundry Apps

Last week IBM introduced a new feature in IBM Bluemix. Developers can now easily add API management functionality to their Cloud Foundry apps hosted on Bluemix. The end-to-end API lifecycle soluti...

Integrating Tools into Bluemix DevOps Toolchains

As part of the Bluemix Continues Delivery functionality toolchains allow the integration of third party and open source tools. Below are two samples how to leverage PagerDuty and Slack to get notif...

Some Pictures from Pioneers

Last week I attended Pioneers in Vienna, Austria, to present IBM Watson and the IBM Cloud and to talk with developers. Below are some pictures. Pioneers is a conference primarily for startups and ...

Managing Microservices on Kubernetes with Istio

Last week IBM and Google announced Istio, an open platform to connect, manage, and secure microservices. Istio improves the visibility of the data flowing between the different services and the goo...

GitLab now available in Bluemix

I’m still catching up on all the new functionality that has been added to IBM Bluemix over the last year. One new capability is to use GitLab for source control and lightweight project management. ...

Automated Frontend Testing with Bluemix Delivery Pipelines

In order to do functional end-to-end testing of web applications, Selenium is a great tool to execute automated tests on different browsers. Below is a quick introduction how to run these tests fro...

Deploying Node Express Apps to OpenWhisk

I’m catching up with all the great new features that have been added to OpenWhisk over the last months. My colleague Lionel Villard published two articles how to run Node Express web applications i...

The postings on this site are my own and don’t necessarily represent IBM’s positions, strategies or opinions.
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