bar - Building is my Passion
Niklas Heidloff

My Definition of Social Software

In our session “Use Domino and XPages for your Social Business” Herbert Wagger and I spent most of the time doing demos. At the beginning however I explained my definition of Social Software, it’s ...

My Lotusphere Sessions AD105 and BP109: Slides and 270 Screenshots

Here are the slides of two of my three sessions at Lotusphere 2012 plus 270 screenshots I took as backup. Lotusphere 2012 BP109 Apps, Apps and More Apps: Meet the Very Best Open Source Apps from O...

Lotusphere Opening General Session

Below are some pictures I took this morning. Kevin Cavanaugh and Doug Cox talked about XPages and the XWork Server. They also talked about the success of OpenNTF. I think the most applause g...

Lotusphere and XPages News

Next week I’ll have two sessions at Lotusphere. Please stop by and say hi. Session AD105: Use IBM Lotus Domino and XPages for your Social Business Speakers: Herbert Wagger, General Manager of IN...

2011 - The XPages Year

What a year for XPages, XPages developers and the community. Here is a quick summary of some of the highlights. New XPages feature: Access to relational databases New XPages feature: Social enabl...

It's so easy to access IBM Connections from XPages

I’ve implemented another feature for XSnippets to share snippets on the IBM Connections instance deployed on Greenhouse. I’ve used the XPages Social Enabler which comes with great functionality to...

XSnippets getting more and more social

The XSnippets team has already blogged about some social features we put in XSnippets recenty, for example anonymous ratings and feeds, Facebook comments and embeddable widgets and the share box an...

Setup Instructions for Social Enabler and the Social Business Toolkit

As requested from several people here are some instructions for how to set up the Social Enabler. I wrote earlier a 50 pages documentation. However I’ve heard some people consider it too long and i...

Extensions to XSnippets: Widget and Facebook Comments

I’ve implemented some extensions to XSnippets. The first one is a widget that can be embedded in blogs and other web sites. It displays most recent snippets or most popular snippets. It can also be...

Slides and Links of my XPages Mobile and OpenNTF Sessions

Over the last weeks I’ve attended BLUG, DNUG and DanNotes. These users groups were different in terms of audience, organization, etc. but I’ve enjoyed all of them. It’s good to meet friends and I’v...

The postings on this site are my own and don’t necessarily represent IBM’s positions, strategies or opinions.
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