The modernization of applications is done in multiple steps. The previous articles described how to convert a 10+ years old Java EE into an Open Liberty application. This article explains how to ch...
Moving from WebSphere Liberty to Open Source
Open Liberty is a modular open source Java runtime. WebSphere Liberty is IBM’s commercial offering based on Open Liberty. There are reasons why you should consider using Open Liberty. One of the bi...
Modernizing Applications with new User Experiences
There are many reasons why you should consider to modernize applications. One reason is to provide better experiences for users to make them more productive. This article is part of a series of ar...
Modernizing Java EE Applications with WebSphere Liberty
Application modernization is a journey. There is no magic. Modernizing applications in several little steps is the approach that I recommend. In this article I describe how to modernize WebSphere T...
Step-by-Step Instructions how to use Transformation Advisor
In a previous blog Improving operational Efficiency through Application Modernization I described how to containerize a Java application from 2010 via IBM’s Cloud Transformation Advisor tool. Trans...
Improving operational Efficiency through Application Modernization
Application modernization is a journey. It’s difficult enough to improve and refactor your own code. Modernizing 10+ years old code written by other developers is even harder. That’s why I recommen...
Making of the Video Application Modernization and Rabbits
Do you want to know what rabbits have to do with app modernization? Check out my previous blog Application Modernization and Rabbits or watch the video. The production of the video was a lot of fu...
Application Modernization and Rabbits
Do you want to know what rabbits have to do with app modernization? Let me explain. If this article is too long, you can also watch the 1:40 min video. Earlier this year I got my children two rab...
Running Liberty Applications with Db2 locally
IBM provides a nice workshop that demonstrates how to modernize legacy WebSphere applications with Liberty. The workshop explains how to deploy applications on OpenShift. This article describes how...
Deploying Serverless Quarkus Applications
Quarkus is a Kubernetes native Java stack crafted from the best of breed Java libraries and standards. Since Quarkus applications start very fast and consume little memory, they are well suited for...