bar - Building is my Passion
Niklas Heidloff

OpenNTF goes to …

There have been some discussions about what is going on with OpenNTF these days, e.g. in Volker’s blog (see here). I’m in a difficult situation since I have no authority to speak on behalf of OpenN...

Looking for customers using the Notes/Domino discussion template

As I wrote about earlier in this blog entry I’d like to extend the discussion template. I’m looking for customers, partners or other developers who are either using discussion databases heavily and...

Two projects on OpenNTF: Mail rules plugin and OSGI admin bridge component

Bob Balfe published two projects on OpenNTF three weeks ago that I haven’t blogged about. The first one is his mail rules sample. It shows how to write an Eclipse plugin to add an icon to the mail...

New Facebook Widget on OpenNTF

A new facebook widget has been added to OpenNTF (from Rahul Garg).

New Twitter Widget on OpenNTF

A twitter widget has been added to OpenNTF (from Mukundan Desikan).

New OpenNTF Alliance and now?

I started my new job six months ago when we/IBM decided to push OpenNTF. In January we announced that IBM wants to do this and this week the new OpenNTF Alliance was established. Now that we have t...

Pictures from DNUG Keynote

As I wrote about earlier Kevin Cavanaugh introduced the new OpenNTF Alliance. Here are his two slides. Because of my composite application background I also enjoyed when Ron Sebastian demonstr...

Floating Panel XPages Control

There is a new simple XPages control on OpenNTF – floating panel. Essentially this control is just a wrapper for the dojo.dnd.Moveable class which can now be easily used in XPages. You can run it l...

DNUG announcement: The new OpenNTF Alliance

At Lotusphere IBM announced to sponsor a new collaboration with OpenNTF. Today at DNUG Kevin Cavanaugh announced more details about this new collaboration. The new OpenNTF Alliance is a group of eq...

Simple Navigator XPages Control

I’ve implemented another re-usable XPages control. It is a simple navigator that can be used to display links in a flat list, e.g. in the left sidebar. You can get it from the OpenNTF catalog and ...

The postings on this site are my own and don’t necessarily represent IBM’s positions, strategies or opinions.
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