bar - Building is my Passion
Niklas Heidloff

Earn Money with your Mobile XPages Apps

There is a big debate going on whether you should develop native mobile apps using platform specific SDKs or via web apps. My personal preference is via web apps because I can use the same skills t...

Display Activity Streams from the Social Business Toolkit in XPages

The IBM Social Business Toolkit is a new cross-product integration with the Lotus Social Business portfolio and extensibility toolkit for developers. The initial version provides an activity stream...

Add Entries to the Social Business Toolkit programmatically from XPages

In my last blog entry I wrote how entries from the activity stream of the IBM Social Business Toolkit can be displayed in XPages. In that sample I created the entries in the activity stream manuall...

15 XPages Applications demonstrated in 15 Minutes

This video shows 15 open source XPages applications in action. Download the applications from or

Setup of my XPages Development Environment

Over the last months I’ve built some XPages controls and functionality via the XPages Extensibility API and an Eclipse IDE. While I realize that most XPages developers use Domino Designer to build ...

Quick Tip: Prereq to run XPages on Blackberry

Before I post this code plus more on OpenNTF, here is a quick tip what you need to do to run XPages apps and Blackberry. If you don’t follow the setup below you’ll always get a zoom in when you tip...

Sample Composite Application using XPages in Lotus Notes 8.5.1

Some images are corrupted below. See here for fixed version As you might know there is a sample application (the extended discussion template) available on OpenNTF (download here) with significant...

Lotus knows Superman

In honor of YellowDay I was thinking about what Lotus means to me. During my time at university I worked for a small company in Germany where we implemented Lotus Workflow. After university I star...

New Project: Initiate IM chats from selected text in documents

This blog entry is redundant to the one on the OpenNTF blog. I needed a place to store the movie. So I had to post it here and refer from OpenNTF to it There is a new project on OpenNTF to initiat...

OpenNTF goes to …

There have been some discussions about what is going on with OpenNTF these days, e.g. in Volker’s blog (see here). I’m in a difficult situation since I have no authority to speak on behalf of OpenN...

The postings on this site are my own and don’t necessarily represent IBM’s positions, strategies or opinions.
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