bar - Building is my Passion
Niklas Heidloff

WebGate's new Meeting App leverages IBM Connections Social Cloud

WebGate Consulting AG launched a new product this month. “ helps changing our meeting culture. Our Business-Application reduces the running of meetings to the maximu...

New IBM Program for Entrepreneurs with Access to Bluemix

This week IBM announced the IBM Global Entrepreneur Program for Cloud Startups. “Through the global program, qualifying startups will receive up to $120,000 worth of credits to put towards IBM C...

How to add Entries to the IBM Connections Activity Stream from various Sources

At DNUG I attended the session Activity Stream – how to feed the beast! from Andreas Artner. He presented how to use IBM Tivoli Directory Integrator (TDI) to read updates from various sources, e.g....

Managing and authenticating Users for Bluemix Applications

In order to build collaborative applications one of the first things you need are ways to define and identify different users. I’m still learning Bluemix but it looks like there are currently diffe...

My Bluemix Session at DNUG next Week

Next week (Wednesday 11/12) I’ll talk about Bluemix and IBM Connections in my DNUG session. Below are some slides to set context. Most of the time I’ve planned to do Bluemix demos and to explain th...

Simple IBM Bluemix Sample accessing IBM Connections

I’ve published a simple sample application that shows how to access IBM Connections Social Cloud from IBM Bluemix. You can find some screenshots on GitHub. The sample uses AngularJS in the fronten...

Auto-Scalability of Bluemix Applications

One of the great benefits of Bluemix applications is the ability to scale very easily. Below is a quick description of this functionality. Here is what the Bluemix architecture overview documentat...


I’ve worked in IBM Collaboration Solutions / Lotus for more than 15 years. Next month I’ll start working for another team in IBM, called Emerging Technologies as a Bluemix advocate. I’m very excite...

Open Source Projects on OpenNTF

Over the last years I’ve open sourced several projects on OpenNTF. Below is a list of some of these projects, most of them are XPages applications. News Aggregator Collaboration Today Informati...

Documenting REST APIs in the Source Code

There are several tools available that help documenting REST APIs. One of them is Swagger, an open source project under the Apache 2 license. “The goal of Swagger™ is to define a standard, languag...

The postings on this site are my own and don’t necessarily represent IBM’s positions, strategies or opinions.
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