heidloff.net - Building is my Passion

Free and self paced workshop: How to develop microservices with Java

Over the last weeks I’ve worked on an example application that demonstrates how to develop your first cloud-native applications with Java/Jakarta EE, Eclipse MicroProfile, Kubernetes and Istio. Based on this example my colleague Thomas Südbröcker wrote a workshop which explains how to implement resilient microservices, how to expose and consume REST APIs, how to do traffic management and more.

Check out the workshop on GitHub.

The workshop contains the following labs:

The example application is a simple application that displays blog entries and links to the profiles of the authors.


There are three microservices: Web-API, Articles and Authors, The microservice Web-API has two versions to demonstrate traffic management. The web application has been developed with Vue.js and is hosted via nginx.


The workshop utilizes the IBM Cloud Kubernetes Service. You can get a free lite account and a free cluster as documented in our repo.

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