bar - Building is my Passion
Niklas Heidloff

Generative AI Sample Code for Question Answering

As Large Language Models have been trained with massive amounts of data, they can provide impressively fluent answers. Unfortunately, the answers are not always correct. Passing in context to quest...

Generative AI for Question Answering Scenarios

One of the most impressive features of Large Language Models (LLMs) is the ability to answer questions in fluent language. This post describes some of the underlaying techniques and how to avoid ha...

Understanding Foundation Models

Foundation Models are a game change and a disruptor for many industries. Especially since ChatGPT has been released, people realize a new era of AI has begun. In this blog I share my experience lea...

Introduction to Multi-task Prompt Tuning

Training Foundation Models is expensive. Techniques like Prompt Engineering address this by freezing the models and providing context in prompts to optimize results at the expense of losing perform...

The Importance of Prompt Engineering

Foundation Models are the foundation for different AI downstream tasks. To leverage these generic models for specific tasks, prompt engineering is a technique to optimize the results without having...

Running the Large Language Model FLAN-T5 locally

While there are several playgrounds to try Foundation Models, sometimes I prefer running everything locally during development and for early trial and error experimentations. This post explains how...

Introduction to Prompt Tuning

Training foundation models and even fine-tuning models for custom domains is expensive and requires lots of resources. To avoid changing the pretrained models, a new more resource-efficient techniq...

ChatGPT-like Functionality in IBM Watson Assistant

Generative foundation models like ChatGPT can handle fluent conversations pretty well. IBM Watson Assistant can be extended with NeuralSeek to search and provide answers from enterprise knowledge b...

IBM Watson NLP Use Cases

Watson Natural Language Processing Library for Embed is a containerized library designed to empower IBM partners with greater flexibility to infuse powerful natural language AI into their solutions...

Sentiment Analysis with Watson NLP

Watson Natural Language Processing Library for Embed is a containerized library designed to empower IBM partners with greater flexibility to infuse powerful natural language AI into their solutions...

The postings on this site are my own and don’t necessarily represent IBM’s positions, strategies or opinions.
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