One year ago I launched, a news aggregator for Bluemix developers. Over the last year I’ve published 1004 links to Bluemix related articles written by 279 people. Many Bluemix develope...
Assembling REST APIs with the API Management Service on Bluemix
With the API Management service in Bluemix you can easily manage and monitor APIs. The service can be used as proxy to API implementations where the APIs exposed via the service to developers and t...
Deploying APIs built via Node.js to IBM Bluemix
In my previous article I described how to use Swagger to document APIs in Node.js applications via a simple hello world sample. Below I demonstrate how to deploy the same sample to Bluemix via Dock...
Usage of Swagger in Node.js Applications to document APIs
Last week I described how to use Swagger in Spring Boot applications to document APIs. Below is a quick overview how to do this in Node.js applications. As I wrote earlier I like the model to docu...
Developer Perspective on Cloud Foundry vs Docker on Bluemix
IBM Bluemix supports different ways to package applications and to deploy and run them in the cloud (“compute options”). Developers can choose between Cloud Foundry and Docker. The two models have ...
Management of APIs with IBM Bluemix
In the previous blog entries I described how to develop and document REST APIs with Spring Boot and Swagger and how to deploy Spring Boot applications to Bluemix as Docker containers. Below I go on...
Deploying Spring Boot Applications to Bluemix as Docker Containers
In the previous blog entry I described how to document REST APIs in Spring Boot applications via Swagger. Below I explain how to deploy these applications as Docker containers to IBM Bluemix. As ex...
Usage of Swagger 2.0 in Spring Boot Applications to document APIs
As IBM VP Angel Diaz stated in an interview on SearchCloudComputing “Swagger is the way most developers describe [REST] APIs”. With version 2.0 many important features like extensibility have been ...
Moved my Blog to WordPress
Over the weekend I migrated my blog to WordPress. This allows me to benefit from the huge amount of themes and plugins, for example to display source code. While I still want to tune a couple of th...
Configuration of the ibmliberty Image on Bluemix to display Logs
IBM Bluemix provides a set of Docker images in the catalog to help developers to get started. Below is a short description how to configure the ibmliberty image to see the logs in the Bluemix dashb...