bar - Building is my Passion
Niklas Heidloff

Mobile Apps Monitoring with IBM Bluemix

One of the great capabilities of Bluemix is that developers can see information about how their mobile apps are used in a server side dashboard. This includes usage statistics, network traffic and ...

Video of Cognitive Bluemix Application and Conversational Computing

Earlier this month Ginni Rometty spoke about the importance of cognitive computing and IBM’s bet on the the Cognitive Era. Cognitive computing enables more natural interactions of people with techn...

Visually develop REST APIs in Node and monitor them on Bluemix

Last month IBM acquired StrongLoop, a company that provides functionality to power the API economy via Node in enterprises. Specifically StrongLoop provides capabilities to develop REST APIs in Nod...

Access to Bluemix Applications via Command Line

During the development and testing of applications it’s sometimes necessary to get access to the hosts of the running applications via command line, for example if you want to check or set certain ...

Rapid Application Development in the Cloud and On-Premises with Docker

At code.talks I gave a session Rapid Application Development in the Cloud and On-Premises with Docker. Below are the slides. In the first part I gave some background why containers are important i...

Bluemix at code.talks

This week my colleagues James Thomas, Jonathan Kaufman, Tristan Reckhaus and I attended code.talks in Hamburg, Germany. code.talks is a developer conference with 1500 attendees covering various top...

Maven Plugin to build Images and run Docker Containers

In order for Java developers to test their applications in containers they typically have to build their code, create an image and run a container. You can use the Docker command line interface to ...

IBM Bluemix for Administrators with Focus on XPages

Yesterday I attended AdminCamp which is a yearly conference for IBM Domino and IBM Connections administrators. I gave the opening session about IBM Bluemix administration with a focus on XPages. H...

10 Minutes Bluemix Pitch from Dev to Dev

As a developer advocate for Bluemix, I regularly talk with other developers about the capabilities and benefits of IBM Bluemix. In these conversations, I often use a pitch similar to the one in thi...

Deploying a Spring Boot Application to Bluemix in 20 Minutes via Docker

I really want to learn more about the Java framework Spring. The simplicity to build enterprise applications together with Spring’s momentum makes it really interesting. So I started with a simple ...

The postings on this site are my own and don’t necessarily represent IBM’s positions, strategies or opinions.
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