In addition to Patterns and How-Tos there is another good resource for developers to learn how to use the IBM Cloud. The Solution Tutorials provide step-by-step instructions on how to implement common patterns based on best practices and proven technologies.
I like these tutorials for several reasons:
- They cover typical scenarios many developers need to understand when getting started with the IBM Cloud.
- They are well written and easy to follow. Every tutorial is one page with all the content you need to know and no noise.
- The tutorials are easy to find since they are part of the IBM Cloud documentation and you can help improving them since the IBM Cloud documentation source is on GitHub.
Here are some of my favorite tutorials.
Deploy a scalable web application on Kubernetes
“This tutorial walks you through how to scaffold a web application, run it locally in a container, and then deploy it to an IBM Cloud Kubernetes cluster. Additionally, we’ll show you how to bind a custom domain, monitor the health of the environment, and scale.”
Serverless Web Application and API
“In this tutorial, you will create a serverless web application by hosting static website content on GitHub Pages and implementing the application backend using Functions on IBM Cloud.”
Mobile application with a serverless backend
“In this tutorial, you will learn how to use Cloud Functions along with Cognitive and Data services to build a serverless backend for a mobile application. The application shown in this tutorial is a feedback app that smartly analyses the tone of the feedback text and appropriately acknowledges the customer through a Push Notification.”
Accelerate delivery of static files using a CDN
“This tutorial walks you through how to host and serve website assets (images, videos, documents) and user generated content in a Cloud Object Storage, and how to use a Content Delivery Network (CDN) for fast and secure delivery to users around the world.”
Check out the growing number of tutorials in the IBM Cloud documentation.