heidloff.net - Building is my Passion

Why Dojo? Why PhoneGap?

Several people have asked me why IBM uses the Dojo Toolkit as the client side JavaScript library and not other, maybe more popular, frameworks like jQuery. My colleague Chris Mitchell explains this very well in this short video. Essentially Dojo is focussed on enterprise applications as opposed to consumer facing web sites. The Dojo toolkit is a big package of different pieces of functionality which are treated as a whole with a common versioning, licensing and testing. It also provides functionality like accessibility and globalization.

There are some more videos on DeveloperWorks about mobile topics. For example in this video Chris provides an overview of the Web2 Mobile Feature Pack.

Another question people ask me is why IBM invests into PhoneGap. My colleague Bryce Curtis explains this and the IBM engagement in PhoneGap in this video (starting at 12:10 min). PhoneGap allows building hybrid mobile apps using the web application development model. As opposed to other mobile frameworks it supports all standard techniques (HTML, JavaScript, CSS, etc.) and not only JavaScript APIs paired with proprietary UI models.

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