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watsonx Orchestrate Agent Routing to Skills

Recently watsonx Orchestrate has added support for agentic capabilities. Orchestration agents can route to assistants, skills and agents. This post focusses on the routing to skills, skill flows and apps.

With watsonx Orchestrate you can easily create personalized generative AI-powered assistants and agents to automate and accelerate your work, see the documentation What’s new in IBM watsonx Orchestrate: AI agent available on IBM Cloud.

This post is part of a mini-series about agents in Orchestrate:

  1. watsonx Orchestrate Agent Routing to Assistants
  2. watsonx Orchestrate Agent Routing to Skills (this post)
  3. watsonx Orchestrate Agent Routing to Agents


watsonx Orchestrate provides three different ways to define, package and deploy skills. This post focusses on single skills.

  1. Skills
  2. Skill flows
  3. Apps

Import OpenAPI

In addition to leveraging from a broad range of predefined skills, custom skills can be defined by importing OpenAPI definitions of deployed REST services (example).


Four skills have been imported.



Next skills can be enhanced before they are published.


The skills need to be connected so that Orchestrate can consume them. Credentials can be provided so that users don’t have to authenticate with their personal credentials.


In the agent routing configuration choose the routing targets from a catalog of apps, skill flows and skills. The imported skill from above is part of ‘watsonx-demo’.


The description of the skill (see screenshot at the top) is key, since the orchestration agent uses this description to determine where to route to.

The sample skill is an a agent that determines based on a transcript of a phone call between a client and a human agent whether a router needs to be fixed.


Skill Flows

Skill flows combine several skills. Via the Orchestrate user interface these flows can be defined without any coding.



Apps group different skills which share the same connection information.


Next Steps

Check out watsonx Orchestrate, the AI for business productivity, to learn more.

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