heidloff.net - Building is my Passion

Attend the DeveloperWeek Hackathon to learn IBM Bluemix and win Prizes

On February 7th and 8th DeveloperWeek will host a big hackathon for 1000 developers as a kick-off to the DeveloperWeek conference in the following week.

IBM will demonstrate IBM Bluemix at the conference and will also host one of the challenges of the hackathon, called the IBM Bluemix challenge. Each member of the winning team will receive a LG G Watch Powered by Android Wear.

Maybe more importantly though we’ll have a great team of mentors to help people to get started with IBM Bluemix and to advice with the implementation of specific project ideas. So this will be a great way for people to learn Bluemix.

The deck below describes more details.

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