heidloff.net - Building is my Passion

Rapid Application Development in the Cloud and On-Premises with Docker

At code.talks I gave a session Rapid Application Development in the Cloud and On-Premises with Docker. Below are the slides.

In the first part I gave some background why containers are important in general and a quick introduction to Docker. After this I gave some demonstrations and the deck contains screenshots of these demos.

1) Build Docker images and run containers locally: Slide 11ff
2) Push images to Bluemix manually and run and monitor containers: Slide 22ff
3) Deploy applications by simply doing a Git push: Slide 37ff

With the availability of new platform stacks and new tools, the coding of applications has become a lot easier over the last years. However a key problem of software development often still occurs which is the challenge of rapid deployments in different environments – development, testing and production and both on-premises and cloud. The typical developers’ excuse “it works for me” doesn’t count anymore. Instead today developers are responsible for the complete development cycle up to the deployment and testing in production environments. Fortunately Docker addresses this challenge and makes it very easy to deploy applications in different environments. This empowers developers and allows them to be really innovative by focussing on writing code to go from concept to production in minutes rather than months. In this session we are going to use IBM Bluemix to get applications deployed to the cloud by leveraging the power and portability of Docker containers. We’ll talk about everything from build pipelines, to private registries, container monitoring and more.

The organizer AboutYou is adding other sessions to SlideShare.

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