heidloff.net - Building is my Passion

OpenNTF overall site redesign

Some weeks ago we added IdeaJam (see here) to the OpenNTF site so that you (the community) can vote how OpenNTF should be improved. The clear message of this initial voting was that the OpenNTF.Org web site should be improved in various ways.

So Steve and I have collected ideas from various people how to extend it. We’ve come up with an initial version of the plan to change the overall site, but the plan is far from being complete. We’d appreciate if you could provide feedback on the different topics.

We’ve published the documents as a wiki on OpenNTF – see here. In the table of content you can see a list of links to all topics in this wiki.

Please create comments to your topics of choice. In order to provide feedback that you cannot associate with a certain topic, please create a new page under the category ‘general comments’. We’ll review all comments and incorporate the feedback in the next iterations of the documents.

If you are interested in getting involved to improve a certain area more than providing comments in this wiki please contact us directly (niklas_heidloff at de dot ibm dot com and steve.castledine at uk dot ibm dot com).

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